There’s a real misconception in business communications as far as internal comms go.
C-suites place far more weight on the memorization of their scriptures than finding ways in which their values reflect reality on the ground. Companies everywhere understand the value that a well-cared for company culture and dependable internal communications create for their business’ but they fall into the same trap that many consulting firms have put in place. Programs, initiatives, educational seminars, all which feel like chum thrown in desolate waters to bait their employees into believing upper managements’ laundry list of principles.
Why so cynical? Because there’s a deep lack of trust across society in the West, because resentment and ”quite quitting” are all too popular today, because we need to climb down from our ivory towers.
Your employees can smell your BS from a mile away, they’re trained to, the only way to convince your team into behavioral changes is not by indoctrination but genuine reflection.
"No one wants to listen to the same words and slogans repeated ad-nauseam”
Over our years of experience in the agency we have worked with some stellar clients’ companies that never seize to surprise us and their team with how much they care about their employees. We realized through these experiences that the only way to ensure a business retains its core values, principles, mission, and vision, is not repetition, but integration within routine.
No one wants to listen to the same words and slogans repeated ad-nauseam; they want to hear about their friend’s day, what they went through, and what they’re looking forward to. Integrating your company culture and all its components into the everyday life of your employees is easier said than done;
but the strategy is simple.
Identifying key figures and elements within the organization.
Inspiration is the fuel for any lasting change.
Finding ways to better weave these narratives and values into real-life touch-points.
...identification of key culture carriers, inspiring through emotional narratives, and integrating these elements into the everyday experience of the employees.
Transforming a company’s culture into something authentic and resonant requires a strategic approach that goes beyond mere repetition of values. It calls for identification of key culture carriers, inspiring through emotional narratives, and integrating these elements into the everyday experience of the employees.
RDLB’s Inside Out Method ensures that the company’s values are not just words on a page, but are a living, breathing part of the organizational fabric.